"Honjitsu Wa Ohigara Mo Yoku" tells the story of Asakura Kai attending the wedding of someone he once loved, alongside Iguchi Keisuke, his high school classmate, who is in a strange relationship with him.
In the past, when Kai was suffering from unrequited love, Iguchi proposed a “mutually beneficial” relationship to him. Years passed swiftly, and even though they had been together for ten years, the sincere feelings they both cherished remained unspoken.
“What thoughts did Keisuke have while being with me?”
Kai gradually became attracted to Keisuke's gentleness, but he was also afraid of breaking the comfortable relationship they had...
Time flows, bringing the end and beginning of love along with it.
A romantic story filled with sincere desires for love. "Honjitsu Wa Ohigara Mo Yoku" has been published on all AMAK's e-commerce platforms. We invite you to enjoy the read!
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